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— Spritual Perspectives —
Words Have Power

By Kathy Coleman
Special to the Independent

There I was! Celebrating Sunday Mass with the beautiful people of Lake Charles, La. in our cathedral. And there you were! The beautiful people of Gallup, worshiping throughout the city that very same moment. (I have always believed that I have been blest with the best of both worlds.)

In his book “In Jesus: A Gospel,” Father Henri Nouwen says, “The full power of the word lies not in how we apply it after we have heard it, but in its transforming power that does its work as we listen” (emphasis added).

The lector begins to proclaim the reading, which says in part, “So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; my word shall not return to me void, but shall do my will, achieving the end for which it was sent.”

How amazing is that! The word God speaks, when received, will come back to Him having accomplished exactly what was intended when He spoke it.

God’s word as power... The power of love! God is love! The intentions prompting God to speak are to comfort, heal, forgive, challenge, encourage, affirm, set free. He uses every way possible to say “I love you.” God’s word has power!
Our words have power! We too can use our power to speak God’s word of love. And often we do. When that happens, we join with our God in healing our world — one heart at a time. Our words can heal! Our words have power!

Our words have power! We, God’s people, can also use our power to destroy, and we do, in ways both small and large. From thoughtless sarcastic remarks — “I was just kidding,” to slanderous, cutting gossip that can diminish another — “But what I said was true.” The power to destroy can also belong to the unspoken word. When its intent is to render the recipient both hurt and confused, the “sound of silence” can be deafening. Our words can destroy! Our words have power!

Remember Isaiah telling us that the word which comes from God’s mouth shall do his will, achieving the end for which it was sent? When our words mirror the words of God, they too will achieve the positive end for which they are spoken. And that end will further God’s kingdom here on earth.

Pope Benedict XVI recently proclaimed June 29, 2008 as the beginning date of the “Year of Saint Paul.” Paul’s very life was dedicated to proclaiming God’s word — with power!

Paul’s letters — both affirming and challenging — were written precisely to guide and support the members of the early Christian communities as they struggled to live their lives as Jesus taught. Jesus uses every way possible to say “I love you.” His good friend, Paul, is one of his favorite instruments used to convey that message.

Father Nouwen spoke of the “transforming power of the word that does its work as we listen.” Scripture exhorts us, “Let those who have ears hear.” As I complete this column, two things I am sure of: Words have POWER! God is speaking to me!

Kathy Coleman, originally from Louisiana, has served as a volunteer in the Diocese of Gallup for more than 30 years. Messages for Coleman can be left at (505) 722-5485.

This column is written by area residents, representing different faith communities, who share their ideas about bringing a spiritual perspective into our daily lives and community issues. For information about contributing a guest column, contact Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola at The Independent: (505) 863-6811 ext. 218 or

August 9-10, 2008

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Area in Brief

— Spiritual Perspectives —
Words Have Power

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