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Ears to Hear, Eyes to See

Copyright © 2008
Gallup Independent

By Sister Joan Brown
Special to the Independent

My mother says, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”

Jesus said in the parable of the sower and the seed, “For the heart of this people has grown dull. Their ears hardly hear and their eyes do not dare to see.” Mt. 13:15

The Torah advises, “Hear, you deaf; look, you blind, and see! You have seen many things, but have paid no attention; your ears are open, but you hear nothing.” (Isaiah 42:18, 20)

The Qur’an offers, “Can you make the dead hear or guide the blind and those who are patently misguided?” (surat az-Zukhruf, 40)

Reflecting is something I do a lot of. I walk and ponder. I meditate and listen. I work and question. In recent years my main question is: Why do intelligent people who see the signs of the times not make choices for the common good? Why do we, people of faith who hear the facts about global warming, in great part caused by human over consumption of resources and fossil fuels, not simply our lives? Why do good people who work in government and business who see the signs of the times not create policies for renewable energy and green jobs?

Are all of the seeds sown in churches, synagogues, mosques, meeting houses and in various rituals and prayers simply blown into the New Mexico desert wind? Why do we act against life when we want to nurture life and the future?
While the current situation of the earth community is new, the question of why humans find it difficult to change is not. But, I do believe we are now faced with a moment when the answers to this question may be vital for survival and thriving on the planet. At a recent meeting the phrase “colonization of the mind” came to me.

Colonization is an extension of political and economic control over an area by certain powers who occupy the area. Colonization may be a policy or project by individuals or groups that initially requires subduing and assimilating a culture.

Perhaps colonization of peoples, animals, water, and plants has taken hold more deeply than we imagine. Could it be that our current inability to change stems from a colonization of the human mind, will, heart and even the soul?

I believe Jesus addressed colonization when he walked in solidarity with the economically poor, women, those considered outcasts and those who thought differently than the powers of his time. He challenged the economic, cultural and political powers. Words for equality, justice, care for creation and peace often meet obstacles in prevailing winds of our culture of commodification just as they have through the centuries. A few hear, see and understand. Many do not.
This is why all of the spiritual traditions are important. They all call us to be still and listen to the wind, to the beating of the heart to the Holy One. Contemplation is a jewel that we need to string into the strands of our living, if we are to answer the call to change.

I love my mother. I love horses. But, I believe we can learn to drink of the waters of life. There are untold resources we humans are offered by the Holy One that we have yet to uncover. These can guide us to conversion of life and into a sustainable future.

Joan Brown, osf, is a Franciscan sister working in ecology ministry in New Mexico. She is part of New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light and the Partnership for Earth Spirituality and the Stewards of Creation and may be reached at

This column is written by area residents, representing different faith communities, who share their ideas about bringing a spiritual perspective into our daily lives and community issues. For information about contributing a guest column, contact Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola at The Independent: (505) 863-6811 ext. 218 or

August 30-31, 2008

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— Spiritual Perspectives —
Ears to Hear, Eyes to See

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