Letters to the Editor
Sound off!
The Gallup Independent encourages letters to the editor, which are published as available. Letters represent the opinion of the author(s) only — not the Independent.
Letters must include writer’s name, address and phone number although only the name and community of residence will be published. Anonymous letters are not read and are discarded.
Letters may not exceed 800 words and may be edited for space and clarity. The Independent may choose not to print any letter for any reason. Anyone may submit a letter; there is no charge for publication.
Letters may be mailed, delivered in person, faxed or emailed to: Editor, The Independent, P.O. Box 1210, Gallup, NM 87305, fax: 505-722-5750; email: ctsosie@gallupindependent.com.
Verified letters run daily on the Opinion page.