Independent Independent

Holiday driving tips that could save your life

By Jim Tiffin
Cibola County Bureau

GRANTS — Driving around the New Year’s holiday is fraught with the potential of being involved in an accident with a drunken driver or breaking down because of either a car malfunction or the weather.

AAA New Mexico has offered some safe driving tips for New Mexicans to help avoid such problems.

With New Year’s holiday there is always the danger of more drivers being on the roads and highways, especially late at night or early morning hours, who have been drinking, Jeannie Chavez, spokeswoman for AAA New Mexico, said.

The first thing every driver should do is “Do not drink and drive,” she said. “If you have to drink, find or plan to have a designated driver on hand.”

For those who do not heed this warning, there is a “Tipsy Tow,” plan for Gallup and Grants that has volunteer AAA contractors driving people home so they do not drink and drive. Chavez said.

A toll-free number, 1-800-AAA-HELP (1-800-222-4357), is offered free and only within a 10-mile radius from the pick-up point.

The service is restricted to a one-way ride home, she said.
The vehicle is towed and the driver rides with the tow tuck driver.

The service is also available in Farmington, Continental Divide, Pie Town and Quemado.

For those panning trips, the weather this time of year can pose potential major problems if a vehicle breaks down, Chavez said.

“You should also make sure your tires are inflated properly and your spare tire is road worthy and inflated.

Finally, tell someone where you are going, when you expect to get there and the route you are taking in case you do not arrive,” she said.

To contact reporter Jim Tiffin call (505) 287-2197 or e-mail:

December 28, 2007
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