Independent Independent

Spiritual Perspectives
Cosmic Views

By Avrum Organick
Special to The Independent

If "perspective" means point of view or perhaps view of an object, and "spiritual" refers to a non-material belief or emotion, then it is appropriate for me to describe in this column, "Spiritual Perspectives," the uplift of my spirit that I always experience when I am given the opportunity to see something that is new to me in the world or in "Creation."

I have made similar remarks in this column in the past. I have had the privilege to have available to me instruments for making observations of small objects: electron and light microscopes (in my role as medical scientist), instruments for observation of large objects: binoculars and simple refractive telescopes (in my life as a hobbyist) and, (by means of the Internet at the at the web site www.astronomical pictures of the day) earth-orbiting telescopes and cameras of planet-orbiting satellites.

In November 2006, I was astounded by images taken of the transit of the sun by the planet, Mercury. Mercury appeared as a tiny spot, only one two-hundredths of the diameter of the sun as it passed across the sun's massive disc. Our Earth, only twice the size of Mercury, would also have appeared as very small disc compared to the size of the huge star that we orbit. Earlier, in September 2006, I saw an actual image of the earth that was taken from a backward-pointing camera of the Cassini satellite as that satellite orbited the planet, Saturn. Equally amazing were reports by astronomers that last month's bright-tailed comet, McNaught, had come very close to Earth and then very close to the sun (and inside the orbit of the innermost planet, Mercury), before it passed on once again toward outer space.

What an astounding series of events! How could these cosmic events not grip the soul and lift it new heights of wonder and awe? My heart swells with new meaning of the Hebrew blessing that I have known since my childhood:

"Baruch Atoh Adonai, Elokainu Melech Ha'Olam, Sheh'Hechiyanu, V'Kiyamanu, V'Higgiyanu La'Zman Ha'Zeh," Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the Universe, That You have kept us in life, and sustained us (so that) we could reach this time.

Avrum Organick, a retired physician, lives on the Navajo Reservation. He can be contacted at

This column is the result of a desire by community members, representing different faith communities, to share their ideas about bringing a spiritual perspective into our daily lives and community issues.

For information about contributing a guest column, contact Elizabeth Hardin-Burrola at the Independent: (505) 863-8611, ext. 218 or

March 10, 2007
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Spiritual Perspectives; Cosmic Views


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