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Cibola schools to honor vets

By Jim Tiffin
Cibola County Bureau

GRANTS — More schools in the Grants-Milan area are honoring veterans during the next few days to celebrate Veterans Day, Sunday, Nov. 11.

At Milan Elementary School, a musical program is planned today at 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Kathy Nazare, the music teacher at Milan Elementary, said the early program is a dress rehearsal, but parents and the public are invited to attend. Both programs will be presented in the school’s gymnasium, she said.

Classes participating in the program are second, third, fifth and sixth.

The performance based program, is called “Freedom,” she said.

The program has the second grade performing “Knowledge is Power,” a song similar to rap, but not rap.

The third-grade students will perform a ballad, “Why Can’t They Be Free,” Nazare said.

The fourth-grade students will perform “Teach Me About My Freedom.” This song is about voting and the fact that people forget to vote, Nazare said.

“People also forget that voting is a privilege,” she said.
All songs will be performed by the students to music that is on a CD, Nazare said.

“We also have invited the American Legion and the VFW, but the Boy Scouts are having a dinner and we are in competition with them,” Nazare said.

There will be between 115-120 pupils in the musical and no refreshments, she said.

A song will also be performed about choices, and talking about the Bill of Rights.

Anyone with questions about the program is asked to call Nazare at the school at 285-2737.

Seboyeta Elementary School

In Seboyeta, the school will celebrate Veterans Day at 2 p.m., Friday.

The Junior ROTC from Laguna-Acoma High School will present the colors and patriotic songs will be performed by pupils, said Penny Utley, head teacher at the school.

Songs, poems and readings to be performed are: “I Am The Flag,” “I Am Old Glory,” “Old Flag of Our Union,” and the kindergarten class will read “Our Constitution,” with special solo speaking parts, she said.

San Rafael Elementary School

At San Rafael Elementary School, the Veterans Day celebration is set for Monday. At 10 a.m.

“We have invited the Grants JROTC to perform and to march in the colors for the program,” said Mona Roberts.

“We have also invited Sgt. Chavez at the armory to being a vehicle so everyone can see it, she said.

Lunch will be served following the program and the school is currently undergoing construction to ad a new kitchen and dining area.

Guest speakers from the American Legion will tell what they did and a slide show based on last year’s event will be ongoing.

Pupils will sing “You’re A Grand Ole Flag,” “America the Beautiful,” and “This Land is Your Land.”

August 4, 2008

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