Independent Independent

City crews working to clear roads

By Kevin Killough
Staff writer

GALLUP — With back-to-back storms, the city’s snow removal efforts were heavily strained, but their doing the best to get the streets plowed, Stan Henderson, director of public works, said.

“City crews are clearing the snow as fast as they can,” Henderson said.

Henderson said that the snowfall isn’t quite unheard of, but it’s the worst in 20 years.

“Old timers will tell you that this is how it was 20 years ago. But that’s before global warming,” he said.

Plowing the snow requires the city to cover 400 lane-miles. The city has five plows to handle the task. During heavy storms, it can still take time to cover the entire city.
The city has a priority system, which begins with roads leading to the hospital followed by overpasses and major arteries, like Route 66 and Boardman. Once those are complete, the city moves on to neighborhood roads. As a matter of safety, hilly terrain are given priority. Mentmore and Indian Hills are therefore rated lower.

The city also coordinates with dispatchers to redirect plows for medical emergencies.

City Manager Gerald Herrera sent out an e-mail memo requesting the public’s help in the snow removal efforts.

One way to help is to not shovel snow into the streets when clearing sidewalks and driveways, he wrote.

“Part of the reasoning is that when the snow plows come through they will inadvertently push the snow right back in a windrow pattern in front of the driveway. It is recommended that the public pick a convenient spot on there property to pile the snow,” Herrera explained.

He also asked that people not park on the streets if there are other options. This reduces the chance of an accident from plows or other drivers. This also helps after the storm passes, when the city sends out its two graders to remove snow pushed against the curb.

Herrera also reminded residents that the city code requires them to remove all debris, dirt, refuse, snow, and ice from their public-use sidewalks. He asked that residents cooperate in this.

Henderson wanted to assure residents that the city is working diligently to complete the entire task.

“It’ll get cleared,” he said.

February 6, 2008
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City crews working to clear roads


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