Independent Independent

Extension office course takes parents through child development

By Jim Tiffin
Cibola County Bureau

GRANTS — A program that helps parents and prospective parents understand how a fetus, infant and child’s brain develops in addition to many other topics about parenting is accepting registration at Future Foundation Family Center here.

The program for most people in Grants will be free, said Mary Pepper, New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension agent in Albuquerque

The cooperative extension office in Grants, through local agent Jimmy Plane, is sponsoring this weekly program from Jan. 22, 2008, through the end of May, she said.

Some topics that will be covered will include ages and stages of development, such as how the brain develops in the uterus, and as infants, toddlers, children and teens.

“We provide what expectations parents should have for different ages. Will a 5-year-old, or a 10-year-old do their homework by themselves?” Pepper said.

“What are the appropriate expectations for children as they grow, all factors of a healthy brain development of the child, how we see them, talk to them as well as what not to expect from them,” she said.

Other topics include: Nurturing parenting routines, discipline and family rules, morals and values, life skills, nutrition, finances and communications.

There are income guidelines for the four-month course, with most parents expected to meet the guideline to take the course for free because of the low income in the area, she said.

“For those who do not meet any of the guidelines, a one-time fee of $150 is required,” she said.

“This course is for all parents, regardless of age or income,” Pepper said.

A child educator, Alexander Richards will be on hand to care for children, at no cost to the parents, so they can attend the classes, she said. A healthy snack will be provided to the children. Pepper will be teaching the classes.

Classes will include role playing, videos, discussions, worksheets and attendees will have homework, Pepper said.

At the end of every class, the parents and children join together for a family activity.

Registration is available at the family center at 550 Washington Ave., at the front desk or by calling Pepper in Albuquerque at (505) 332-3765.

To contact reporter Jim Tiffin call (505) 287-2197 or e-mail:

December 17, 2007
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