Independent Independent

Coloring contest winner takes trip
Zuni third-grader is statewide champ

By Mike Marino
Cibola County Bureau

Nicole Vacit, a third-grader at Dowa Yalanne Elementary School is awarded statewide safety-poster coloring contest by Continental Divide Co-op by Dowa Yalanne principal Caroline Ukestine and her mother Devonna Yuselew. [Courtesy Photo]

GRANTS — Continental Divide Electric Cooperative can boast that it has its first ever statewide safety-poster coloring contest winner. The New Mexican Rural Electric Cooperative Association began their annual statewide contest 23 years ago. The competition involves pupils who represent the various New Mexico electric co-ops. Mac Juarez, spokesman for CDEC said, "We couldn't be prouder of this year's winner. She is Nicole Vacit, a third-grader at Dowa Yalanne Elementary School in Zuni."

Vacit, age 9, attended the award ceremony last week. She had a choice to make regarding the prize. The option was between a $2,500 savings bond or an educational tour of Washington with her parents. Although the savings bond would have been nice, patriotism and national pride won the day, and Vacit chose the Washington trip over the money. Vacit was excited about winning the contest and her choice of prize.

"I'm happy, and I want to meet all the important people there" she said after the ceremony.

Vacit's poster was among 13 entrants from around the state that included second, third, and fourth graders who represented various co-ops. CDEC General Manager, Richard Shirley said, "I'm excited and very proud to finally have a winner from our service area. It's one of the best coloring posters I've ever seen."

In order to compete at the state level, Vacit had to beat 26 other schools from across the co-op's service area including Zuni, Ramah, Laguna-Acoma, as well as the Grants and Gallup areas too. Each school had to pick a first, second and third place poster from their participating students. The second and third place finishers received T-shirts from CDEC. All the first place winners also got T-shirts and the thrill of competing in the statewide contest representing CDEC.

CDEC also awarded Vacit a $100.00 savings bond. Second place winner, Miah Antonio, a fourth grader at Sky City Community School, and third place winner Shantel Poncho, a third grader at Mesa View Elementary School each received $50 savings bonds.

The poster to be colored had a wolf wearing a safety helmet carrying a metal pipe too close to power lines. The colors used in the creation of the poster are red, yellow and orange, of which Vacit said, "Those are my safety colors."

Vacit is the daughter of Corey Vacit and Devonna Yuselew, members of Continental Divide Electric Cooperative which serves Zuni Pueblo and the surrounding area.

June 2, 2007
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